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Selasa, 09 November 2010

Smk exercises physics class xii

Exercise class xii physics questions smk
1. A wire given the potential difference on both ends. Large currents flowing on the wire yng is 5A. The number of cargo flows in 10 seconds That is ....
a. 2C
b. 5C
c. 10c
d. 15C
e. 50C
2. If the current 4 amps in a wire the which ends a potential dispute 12V, then a large charge per minute flowing through the wire ... coulomb.
a. 3
b. 12
c. 60
d. 120
e. 240
3. That factors determine the major barriers to the type of a metal wire is:
1) The length of wire
2) Temperature wire
3) Cross-sectional area of wire
4) Materials of wire
Correct statement is .....
a. 1,2, and 3
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 4 only
e. 1,2,3 and 4
4. At 27 ° C, the resistance piece of wire is 1 ohm. Wire resistance temperature coefficient is 0.00125 ° C-1. The temperature required for resistance wire to 2 times That Is ....
a. 1000K
b. 1083K
c. 1100K
d. 1127K
e. 1154K
5. A steel wire with a length of 5 m given the potential difference 200 volts on both ends of the wires. If a major obstacle 2 IHM, wire diameter is ....
a. 0:12 mm
b. 0:20 mm
c. 0:23 mm
d. 0:32 mm
e. 0:50 mm

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