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Selasa, 23 November 2010

The origin of the Village Gerbosari

In the Dutch colonial era Gerbosari Kalurahan not yet established, at That time divided into three regions Gerbosari Village, namely:
2.1. Village Menggermalang
Village consists of 6 (six) hamlet, respectively - EACH
led by a furniture / Hamlet, namely:
a. Hamlet Sumbo
b. Hamlet Hamlet
c. Hamlet stagnant
d. Hamlet Kayugede
e. Hamlet Menggermalang
f. Hamlet Keceme
Led by the Village: SASTROWIYONO
2.2. Village Samigaluh
While Kalurahan consists of 7 (seven), respectively hamlet - EACH headed by aa furniture / Hamlet, namely:
a. Hamlet Ketaon
b. Hamlet Ngroto
c. Hamlet Clumprit
d. Hamlet Jetis
e. Teak hamlet
f. Hamlet Tlogo
g. Coral hamlet
Led by the Village Chief: R. Reki Wirio Pranoto.
Headman was killed in March 1949 When the Bomb By Samigaluh Netherlands.
2.3. Village Kemiriombo, the which consists of 6 (six) respectively hamlet - EACH led by an a furniture / Hamlet, namely:
a. Hamlet Sarimulyo
b. Hamlet Kemiriombo
c. Orange hamlet
d. Mangosteen hamlet
e. Hamlet Pengos A
f. Hamlet Pengos B
This led SOMENGGOLO village headman DIPOMENGGOLO.
After the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, in 1947 it held merger Village. For Gerbosari Village consisting of 3 (three) Kalurahan Manggermalang, Samigaluh, Kemiriombo in. That year in combined into one.
Gerbosari taken from:
GER = Menggermalang
BO = Kemiriombo
SA = Samigaluh
Ri = Additional Syllable

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