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Selasa, 23 November 2010

Legend Samigaluh

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Legend Samigaluh
Nyai Sami and Kyai Galuh brothers are descended from the Kingdom of Cirebon Si Galuh That During the Dutch Colonization save themselves up to the region Gerbosari That time at the which was still wilderness. Up to this time Ruins of Nyai Sami and Kyai Galuh still Considered sacred, Including the Tomb of Nyi Sami found a Faithful servant and Ki Condro Geni Cantang Balung. Graveyard three teletak in Punggang Kresek hamlet Reef. Meanwhile, Sami Kyai WHO Krajan Hamlet settled in. Until his death and was Buried in the Tomb Krajan hamlet Hamlet.
From Nyai Sami and Kyai Galuh this is regarded as Villages Samigaluh ancestor (Middle Gerbosari).
And finally given the name specified as the name Samitgaluh most Northern District of Kulpn Progo Regency.

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