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Selasa, 23 November 2010



a. The provisions of Islamic law on marriage
1. Definition
Munākahāt meaning wedding or marriage.
According to Indonesian, marriage means gather or Unite. In fill the Shari'a, marriage means to a contract or agreement to bind themselves Between a man - man and a woman and justifies Between Them sexual relationship with a basis of mutual agreement like a model, in order to create a happy family, the which God SWT.

2. Legal marriage
According to Some scholars, legal marriage is permissible Basically, meaning That Should Be done and Should Be Abandoned. If you do not get rewarded and if left innocent. The explanation is:
a) Sunna
WHO imgin For married people, Able to Marry, and Could Also refrain from adultery, although not Immediately get married, the marriage law is the sunna.
b) Mandatory
For people WHO Want to get married, Able to Marry, commit adultery and not worry if you do not get married soon, then the law of marriage is compulsory.
c) makruh
For Who Are people getting married, but has not been Able to give a living with his wife and children - his son, the marriage law is makruh.
d) Haram
For those WHO intend to hurt the woman WHO Would Marry, the law of marriage is forbidden.

3. Destination wedding
In general, the purpose of marriage According to Islam is to meet human intent in order to create a happy home, in accordance with the provisions - the provisions of Islamic religion. purpose of marriage is un-Islamic:
o To gain a sense of love and affection.
o To obtain the peace of life (sakinah).
o To meet the needs of sexual (lust) legally and diridai God.
o To obtain legitimate descendants in the society.
o owner to Realize a happy family in the world and the Hereafter.

4. Pillars of Marriage
Pillars of marriage That means the provision - the provision in a marriage That must be met for the wedding lawful wedlock. Kinds there are five pillars, namely:
o There is a potential husband, provided That: men - men aged Adults (19 years), the Islamic religion, not forced / compelled, not being in Ihram Hajj or Umrah, and not a forbidden future wife.
o There is a candidate's wife, provided That: Women Who Are of age (16 years), notes the polytheistic women, not in the bonds of marriage with another person, not a mahram for Prospective Husbands and not in the Hajj or Umrah Ihram kedaan .
o There is a guardian of wedlock, that is, those WHO Marry the bride of male - male or female denangan allow marriage.

Guardians of wedlock cans be divided into two Kinds:
a) Major nasab, the guardian WHO has blood ties with the bride to be married.
b) Major-Hakim, the head of a Moslem state judge to act as guardian of marriage guardian, if the guardian nasab not exist or does not fulfill his duty.
Terms - conditions to be met by a guardian of marriage, namely:
a. Islamic Religion, Islamic non-religious people Who Are not lawful guardian of wedlock, (Surah Ali Imran verse 28).
b. Men - men.
c. Baligh and sensible.
d. Independent and not hanba my family.
e. Fair
f. Not being Ihram Hajj or Umrah.
o There were two Witnesses, provided That: Islam, men - men, Daughters (adult), and sensible, can hear, can see, to speak, fair, and was not in ihram or Umrah.
o There is a marriage contract the which said consent was granted. Guardian consent is said (from the bride's party), as the handover to the bride male - male. Qabul bride is said the men - men as a sign of acceptance.

5. Muhrim
According to the language, Muhrim means are forbidden. In the science of fiqh, Muhrim women are forbidden to Marry. Because a woman is forbidden to Mary there are four Kinds, namely:
a. Women are forbidden to Marry Because of Heredity:
1) biological mother and so on upwards (grandmother of the mother and grandmother from the father).
2) the biological daughter and so on down (grandchild and so on).
3) biological sister (by one Venter, a father or sons of my mother).
4) The sister of the father.
5) The sister of the mother.
6) The daughter of brothers - sons and so on down.
7) The daughter of my sister and so on down

b. Women are forbidden to Marry Because of the wet nurse relationship:
1) WHO Mothers breastfeed
2) wet nursing sisters.
c. Women are forbidden to Marry Because marriage:
1) The mother of the wife (in law).
2) Children stepchild (child of the wife with another husband), if the husband Had gathered with his mother.
3) stepmother (the wife of the father), both are divorced or not (Surah An-Nisa ', 4: 22)
d. Women are forbidden to Marry Because They have Muhrim relationship with the wife (Surah An-Nisa, 4: 23).

6. Obligation of the husband and wife
In order for a wedding destination is reached, a husband and wife must execute obligations - obligations of home life as well - as good foundation does not wish to return intention for God alone.
In general, the obligation of the husband - wife, namely:
 Liability Husband
a. Providing livelihood, food, clothing, and shelter to the wife and children - his son, According to the ability of cultivated maximally (Surat At-talaq, 65: 7).
b. Lead and guide the wife and children - children, in order to be useful for self, family, religion, society, and nation and state.
c. Mingle with the wife and children - children with good (Kindness).
d. Maintaining his wife and children - children from disaster, both physically and spiritually, temporal and ukhrawi.
e. Assist wife in the task of the day - the day, especially in nurturing and Educating children - children to be children of Godly (Surat At-Tahrim, 66: 6).

 Liability wife
a. Obedient to Their Husbands in the Limits - Limits in accordance with the Teachings of Islam.
b. Keeping yourself and honor and property of the husband, Either in front or behind.
c. Helping her husband in leading the welfare and safety of the family.
d. Receiving and giving husband, although a little respect, and Replenish the husband Gives a living, According to the strength and abilities, frugal, careful, and wise.
e. Respectful and courteous to Their Husbands and Families.
f. Nurture, nurture, and educate children changed from Godly children.

b. Wedding wisdom
Fuqha (side dish of Islamic jurisprudence) explained about the wisdom - the wisdom of islamic wedding:
1. Meet the sexual needs in Ways That diridai Allah (Islamic way), and Avoid The Wrath of God, Such as how to adultery or a homosexual (or lesbian gai), (Surah Ar-Rum 30: 21).
2. Marriage is a right way, good, and diridai God to have children and to develop a legitimate offspring.
3. Husband - wife cans foster a sense of responsibility, share it in order to maintain, nurture and medidik child - her child, Thus Providing a strong motivation to happy people - Who is Responsible.

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